These professionals are often lawyers who are looking to make more money on the side or be able to relax. These consultants will dig through boxes of documents as well as detailed briefs. They will look for something that will help the attorney to win a case. This may involve formulating trial strategy as well as consulting on the exact course that a lawyer should take once they enter the court room. However, the depth into which a litigation consultant goes is primarily based upon what they are asked to do.
Most litigation case consultants are under $100 per contract hour. However, they may also charge a set fee for handling each case. This fee may be assigned to the law firm representing their client, who may pass that cost onto their client. These consultants can often mean the difference between winning and losing a case and even the best lawyers sometimes contract a consultant. These individuals are experts in their fields and do whatever they can to help their clients. Just as with any other attorney, these consultants are required to hold up their ethical code of attorney client privilege.
Clients often end up paying less thanks to these professionals. These consultants are able to pour over the documents and evidence that a lawyer has in their possession. A lawyer might take ten hours doing this by themselves but an expert team of two or three consultants might take three hours. The cost is reduced several times over thanks to the fact that the lawyer is charging the lower rate of the consultants as well as the fact that the consultants did not take nearly as long!
A litigation consulting service can also help lawyers to locate expert witnesses for their testimony. For example, a case involving animals may need an expert in the animal to testify to scientific knowledge.
The consulting service would contact a number of experts on the specific animal to find one that would be willing to testify on the client?s behalf as well as set up their arrangements. This service does require that a fee be paid but can be worth it if the experts testimony wins the case.Litigation consultants handle a ton of grunt work at times. They have the ability to sort through piles of paperwork as well as talk with experts who can make/break cases. It is important to remember that these consultants can only do so much. However, they make the job of the average lawyer much easier as well as save the client thousands of dollars.
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