Monday, October 24, 2011

Canada Exports Asbestos

Canada exporting 95% of it’s Asbestos production to third world.?

It doesn’t see a problem with that – Most of its industrial claimants are due to asbestos fibres – but are just being ignored.

Is this in any way ethical or right?

link- feb 2008

Asbestos is not dansgerous in itself if handled properly. However dangerous manipulation (ripping asbestos from the wall, working without a mask, throwing old asbestos to open garbage dumps) made it illegal in most western countries

Churchill speech against Canadian export of asbestos

This entry was posted on Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 4:33 pm and is filed under Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Bad Asbestos

bad asbestos
Is Fiber glass insulation as cancer causing as asbestos?

As a carpenter, i find myself more times than not installing fiberglass insulation. In poorly ventilated areas and sometimes for up to 3-4 straight… 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week. They make me wear a dust mask but often times i wont use it because it makes the painful job even worse sometimes. Is this stuff as bad for your lungs as some people say?

Fiberglass can be an irritant but is not listed as a carcinogen. You should read the MSDS for the product you are using. Asbestos has a different length/thickness than fiberglass that causes the asbestos to lodge in the lungs.

Asbestos Popcorn – Go Schitzo – Bad Format 090710.MP4

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 10th, 2011 at 8:54 am and is filed under Mesothelioma Lawyers in San Diego, Mesothelioma Attorneys San Diego. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Asbestos Working Party

asbestos working party
In final months, Wilson gave staff $119K in perks
As parting gifts to his 21 staff members who lost their jobs because he wasn’t re-elected, ex-U.S. Rep. Charlie Wilson gave a total of $119,129 in salary increases and bonuses.
Rally After Springburn March For Jobs

This entry was posted on Monday, March 21st, 2011 at 7:55 am and is filed under Mesothelioma Cancer Attorney. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Litigation Financing - Learn How Get Help

Litigation financing should always be a major concern when getting yourself involved with any type of lawsuit.

Legal proceedings can be extremely costly. Whether you are filing suit against a Fortune 500 corporation or an individual, legal bills often arrive before the proceedings finish. Many individuals find themselves requiring financing.

Attorneys and plaintiffs both have costs which need to be paid during and after legal action. Sometimes these costs are able to be absorbed by the attorney. However, in many cases the attorney may not have the necessary funding to continue. They may need to bring in another law firm or seek litigation financing to assist them in their quest for a successful judgment. One of the most common reasons for needing this type of assistance is for medical bills or daily living expenses. This type of financing is typically sought by the lawyer for their client.

The great thing about financing for litigation is that there is often no demand for repayment if the case is not won or settled. The litigation financing company must only be repaid should the lawsuit be resolved successfully. A loss will result in no repayment being necessary. Financing companies recognize this as a possible problem and will often lower the maximum amount that they are willing to hand over to a client. For example, a client who has a good chance at winning a $5 million case will not be given $5 million. They may be given several hundred thousand dollars in order to tide them through their hard times. The financing company will then tack on an additional set fee or percentage of the amount loaned.

This fee is applied through the use of a lien on the judgment. While there is no judgment at the time the loan is made, it does not prevent the lien from being created against a future judgment. It is important to note that you should consult with your lawyer before deciding to enter into a finance agreement. Your lawyer may be required to co-sign the agreement as well as be reviewed as part of the financing offer. Litigation finance companies will often require that you fill out a number of forms as well as speak to them over the phone.

Another great reason to choose this type of financing is that interest rates on these types of loans are much lower than credit cards. Many individuals choose to use their credit cards to deal with a financial crisis.

This could not be a worse idea! Most financing loans are determined based upon the merits of the case, length of time the case has been open as well as insurance coverage. Other factors may be used to determine which type and amount of financing will be the best for your specific situation.

Litigation financing is often necessary for legal cases that stretch out over a period of time. This financing can ensure that you receive the funds that you need to pay for your day to day expenses. The funding does not charge nearly as much as other loan options. Plaintiffs with excellent cases and good attorneys may receive hundreds of thousands of dollars or more with financing!

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Incurable Silicosis - Tips To Help Prevent It & Silica Dust

Silicosis is one of those lung diseases which you wouldn?t want to contract or develop. It?s a lung disease caused by an accumulation of free crystalline silica dust in the alveolar level of the human lungs. Silicosis is widely known to be an occupational disease both in the United States and in developing countries. Sudden or prolonged exposure to silica dust might trigger the dreadful signs and symptoms of silicosis.

The onset of the signs and symptoms of silicosis differ from one patient to another. People who have complicated silicosis have higher concentrations of silica dust particles in the alveolar spaces in the lungs. The alveolar clusters are the basic and smallest unit of the lungs. The accumulation of silica dust inside lungs does not dictate the severity of the signs and symptoms of this chronic lung disease.

The major contributing factor to the severity of silicosis will depend on how fine the crystalline silica particles are in an individual?s lungs. This is why there are people who suffer from acute silicosis. Despite the short and brief exposure to silica, they quickly develop literally ?breath-taking? symptoms week after their brief and short silica dust exposure.

The after exposure of individuals with chronic silicosis might be asymptomatic for a few years. The deadly effects of silicosis unfortunately can only be detected if a big portion of the upper lung walls and cavity have already been covered in massive fibrosis tissues or fibroblasts. In some complicated chronic cases of silicosis, patients have been found to suffer from other chronic lung diseases such as tuberculosis and emphysema as well.

Silicosis had been causing casualties for hundreds of years now. The disease might have developed at the same time human beings started to learn quarrying, mining, and sandblasting. People who are most susceptible to silicosis are workers in these fields of industry.

Unfortunately, silicosis is an irreversible disease. A patient might have acute silicosis or accelerated silicosis, the signs and symptoms are all too similar. The only difference is the extent of lung damage and fibrosis that it surely inflicted the lungs.

Though irreversible, silicosis can be very well prevented. Workers who are at high-risk of exposure to silica dust should follow these precautionary measures so they don?t end up developing this deadly lung disease in the future.

Silica is simply fine dust particles which are found in many naturally occurring substances on Earth. Everybody is exposed to these particles at some points in their lives. The only reason why most people do not develop silicosis is that the particles might be too large to cause an allergic reaction in the respiratory system. This means that large silica particles can be prevented to induce inflammation by the simple mechanism of coughing. Silicosis But if you?re working in a high-risk location where silica particles just seem to float around you all the time, it is highly recommended to incorporate the use of water when drilling through mining grounds and quarries. Water will destroy silica dust easily. This will reduce your risk of inhaling these deadly particles while you?re working.

Some workers rarely use this precautionary measure to inhibit silicosis development. The addition of water while drilling through holes or sandblasting reduces the efficiency and productivity in a worksite.

Some workers would rather risk their health than deal with the tedious job of cleaning up the water utilized while working with heavy machinery which gives off dangerous silica dust particles.Employers on the other hand should consider using the water masks when drilling through mines or sandblasting to reduce their long-term expenses as well. Wasting money away due to expensive hospitalization expenditures and drugs because of silicosis is pricier than prevention measures that are undeniably cheaper in the long-run.

This is a no-brainer prevention measure which every worker should follow if their task entails them to grind through marbles and metallic ores. Additionally, wearing a mask is also recommended for people who are working in mines and quarries. Since their job requires them to work underground or in a dusty field, the accumulation of silica dust in their lungs might be more concentrated in their upper lung areas. To prevent this from happening, it is highly advisable to wear dust mask or a respirator while you?re working at the job site. It might look awkward on your face when you look at the mirror, but that bulky respirator can very well save you from the devastating effects of silicosis.

A standard surgical mask might not be all too useful when working under harsh and dust-filled conditions. They indeed can strain some of the dust particles, but there are far smaller particles that can easily permeate through cheap masks. If this happens, you can still be a likely running candidate for developing not only silicosis, but also chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases like emphysema and bronchitis. These disease conditions will make aggravate or may well result in accelerated silicosis damages and degradation.

Do not hesitate in investing in the recommended respirators used to filter the air your employees are breathing in. You need to realize that your manpower?s health is one of the major aspect why your business is up and running and growing in scale.If your employer, on the other hand, does not want to spend money on these highly recommended breathing masks, you can always purchase one from a home improvement or pharmacy store. Make a conscious effort in protecting yourself from the harmful effects of your occupation. The boss might be a douche, but at least your health will be protected!

When you?re diagnosed silicosis, the best solution is to alleviate the pain and discomfort felt by the patient through palliative treatment. Since silicosis is still listed as an incurable disease, try as many alternatives as you can when it comes to treatment. You might very well find the cure to silicosis by combining multiple drug therapies to tame down the effects of heavy and labored breathing bought about silicosis.Silicosis is a serious occupational hazard to a lot of people. Since it?s incurable nowadays, the best and smartest management to this is to keep the yourself away from such hazardous environments and places as much as possible.

?Prevention is better than cure.? This can be very well applied when it comes to silicosis.

You don?t need to suffer a slow and painful death when you can very well execute techniques and tips which can help you in reducing your risk to contracting a very serious and deadly disease. This disease carries similarities to asbestosis, but they are not the same. We will continue to educate you on asbestosis as well in further articles.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Georgia Mesothelioma Lawsuits Expected to Increase

Researchers expect the number of Georgia mesothelioma lawsuits to rise over the next several decades. Construction debris left by hurricanes is one of the reasons why. The debris is a source of exposure to asbestos.

It can take as long as 50 years before serious asbestos-related illnesses appear. Those illnesses include cancer of the mesothelium and asbestosis. Doctors refer to this long period of time as the latency period. The typical latency period is between 20 and 50 years.

Asbestos fibers are very small and incredibly lightweight. The fibers can become airborne when an insulation board is swept, fire resistant tiles are broken or a building collapses.

Once airborne, the fibers can remain in the air for as long as eight hours. This means that people not involved in an at-risk occupation could be exposed.

The fibers can be inhaled or enter the digestive system when a person consumes contaminated food or touches their mouth after handling something with which the fibers have been treated.

For unknown reasons, the body cannot expel the fibers naturally. They bore their way into delicate tissues and membranes causing inflammation.

Asbestosis is chronic inflammation of the tissues within the lungs caused by inhalation of the fibers. The condition eventually causes respiratory failure.

The Georgia mesothelioma lawsuits concern cancer of the mesothelioma. The only known cause of this rare type of cancer is asbestos exposure. In 1999, the state had 30 mesothelioma-related deaths. Approximately 3000 people per year die from the disease according to 2006 figures.

The figure may actually be higher according to researchers, because the disease is hard to distinguish from other types of lung cancer. Doctors often make the diagnosis based on a person?s history of exposure to asbestos.

The challenge faced by plaintiffs bringing new Georgia mesothelioma lawsuits has to do with what company to sue. Nearly all of the asbestos manufacturers have filed for bankruptcy protection.

For example, Johns-Manville Corporation which owns a plant in Macon filed for Chapter 11 protection in 1983 and again in 1986. The company said they sought ?to put asbestos health claimants on equal footing with all creditors and to provide a fair, systematic way of handling health claims?.

Bankruptcy trusts were created for new plaintiffs, but the amount set aside was far less than what a victim should be entitled to. As a result, some recent suits have named building owners, machinery manufacturers, retailers of asbestos-containing products and even the banks that financed new construction.

One such case is currently on the docket of the Supreme Court of California. How the court rules in that case will have an effect on how future Georgia mesothelioma lawsuits are settled.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

How to Avoid Asbestos Exposure - Determine Your Risk level & Safety Measures

You must avoid asbestos exposure that can occur in your home or office building. Any building constructed prior to 1986 should be tested.

Some structures are more likely to be contaminated than others. Practically any building constructed prior to 1980 will contain something that was treated with the flame resistant material. Its use was rampant.

It is found in ceiling tiles and paneling, technical ducts containing electrical wiring and other equipment. The insides of circuit breakers and boxes were treated with it.

Decorative ceilings popular in the 1970s and 1980s were composed of it. The use of asbestos-containing insulation was the rule, rather than the exception. The need for testing should be obvious.

The only way to avoid asbestos exposure is to wear protective clothing and use an appropriate breathing apparatus. When buildings containing the material are demolished, construction crews need to wear the right gear in order to avoid inhaling the fibers.

The fibers can remain airborne for hours. Positive air pressure machines are used to force air into rooms containing the fibers. Special vacuums are used to suck them up. In buildings that are occupied, rooms are sealed using plastic sheeting and duct tape. This protects the occupants as the asbestos-containing materials are removed.

You can avoid asbestos exposure by having asbestos-containing materials removed by a team that specializes in abatement. If removing the material is impossible, the team can encapsulate the fibers using special coatings. This prevents them from becoming airborne.

There is no risk of exposure to asbestos-containing items if the fibers cannot become airborne. For example, if a ceramic floor tile contained the material, it could not cause illness. If the tile was broken, there is a slight possibility that the fibers could become airborne or ?friable?, as it is referred to by scientists.

Avoiding asbestos exposure is essential, because it causes a rare kind of cancer called mesothelioma. It can also cause a lung disease called asbestosis.

It takes decades for symptoms of these diseases to appear. This is one of the things that make the compound even more deadly. People are not always concerned about the risks of handling the material, because there are no immediate symptoms of asbestos poisoning.

Anyone that knows they have been exposed should consult their physician. Early detection of the diseases can help to ensure that treatments are more successful.

If you have consulted your physician and know that you have an illness related to asbestos exposure, you should contact a lawyer. You are entitled to compensation.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Idaho Mesothelioma Lawyers, State of Idaho Asbestos Attorneys

Trying to find a lawyer? Idaho mesothelioma lawyers, Idaho asbestos attorneys, Idaho mesothelioma attorneys, Idaho law firms, on this website we assist you in finding these type of professionals that will help you pursue your case.

There are many capable Idaho area asbestos attorneys available, these professional law men and women are specifically trained to help you receive justice involving your asbestos-exposure case.

Although their are quite a few lawyers that are available in Idaho. This websites goal is to provide our readers with a useful starting point in the journey to locating a quality law professional.

On this site you are provided with the necessary contact info made available to the public by these lawyers. We do ask this of you though, please don't interpret this source of information and assistance as an endorsement of some sort by, it is not our intent to endorse any Asbestos law firm or practice in particular over another. The purpose of this website is to provide a useful and helpful free information source to further enhance your investigative process. It's critically important that you continue to research the premiere attorneys and asbestos-exposure legal counsel for yourself and your families particular legal needs.


1. Bowers Law Firm 976 McJohn LaneRexburg, ID 83440Phone: 1-866-922-9368 NOTES: This Idaho mesothelioma lawyers firm's founder is lawyer John Bowers, a former law enforcement professional and elected criminal prosecutor with saavy skills in litigation. Their entire legal team is tenacious in their work on behalf of clients in personal injury cases. They have law offices in Idaho, Wyoming, northern Utah and Nevada. They also offer a free, no-obligation consultation.

In personal injury cases ranging from car accidents and oil and gas field injuries to medical malpractice and recreational accidents, they seek the best possible result for their clients by conducting rigorous investigations in every case they handle. They employ the latest technology and seek the expertise of knowledgeable medical professionals to build strong cases for compensation on behalf of their clients. They take a firm stance against insurance companies and others who often have far different priorities than yours.

2. Mossman Law Office 611 W. Hays StreetBoise, ID 83702-5512Phone: (208) 342-6900 Fax: (208) 343-5791

NOTES: Mossman Law Office offers the strong and experienced advocacy you need to get the benefits you deserve. They invite you to a free initial consultation for honest answers to your questions and dedicated protection of your rights.

They are certified by the Idaho State Bar as a Workers' Compensation Specialist. These Idaho mesothelioma lawyers have handled every type of claim from back injuries and head trauma to occupational disease. They will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive all entitled compensation that meets your future medical needs and more.

They will personally oversee your case and takes it as far as necessary. They believe that informed clients will ultimately make the best decisions for their situation. Therefore they keep in close contact as your case proceeds through the system.

*Many of these Idaho law offices also practice law in the areas of Class Action(plaintiff), Business Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Personal Injury, Defective Drugs, Diseases, Medical Devices, Personal Injury, Sexual Harassment, Products Liability Law, Litigation & Appeals, Discrimination, Defective Products, Automobile Accidents, Construction, Malpractice, Bad Faith Insurance, Employment, Consumer Protection, Labor Law, Toxic Torts, Pollutants & Securities.


When trying to find competent Idaho asbestos attorneys it is imperative to fully investigate all potential hires. You need to be sure that Idaho mesothelioma lawyers are highly skilled at obtaining settlements in these types of serious cases. In many cases, liable businesses and manufacturers try to stay away from fighting against experienced and knowledgeable Idaho mesothelioma lawyers in a courtroom.

As a result, a significant number of lawsuits have been filed on behalf of clients, and some settlements have reached seven figures. If your Idaho area manufacturer has subjected you to asbestos-exposure, be aware that you're an asbestos-exposure victim, it is so very necessary that you obtain the finest legal counsel and assistance available in the State of Idaho.

Be sure not to settle for Idaho mesothelioma lawyers that have anything less than decades of experience in pursuing compensation and justice for their clients.

Alabama Asbestos Attorneys Alaska Asbestos Attorneys Atlanta Mesothelioma Lawsuits Hartfort CT Mesothelioma Lawyers Mesothelioma Prognosis Mesothelioma Injury Mesothelioma Victim Texas Asbestos Lawyers World Trade Center Dust Wyoming Mesothelioma Attorneys

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Illinois Mesothelioma Lawyers, State of Illinois Asbestos Attorneys For Hire

State of Illinois mesothelioma lawyers for hire. Find an attorney today, Illinois asbestos lawyers available for those in need of mesothelioma legal advice.

If your goal is to find a lawyer, these are the professional law people that we will assist you in locating from this website.

There are many capable asbestos attorneys in the U.S., these law professionals are highly trained and prepared to assist you in receiving the desired results for your case. Whether it is involving a Class Action suit or a singular filing, help is available. Although their are quite a few well-trained Illinois mesothelioma attorneys available to the public, we hope to provide you with a positive starting point in your search.

On this mesothelioma lawsuit website you will be provided with the needed and necessary contact information made available by these Illinois law firms. One word of note though, please do not interpret this wealth of information that we are offering as some sort of endorsement by of any law firm or attorney in particular, that is not the intent of this free information source. It's very important that you continue to research and investigate the better lawyers and asbestos legal advice for you and your families particular needs.


1. Malleris & Malleris, Ltd. 1627 West Colonial Parkway, Suite 200Inverness, IL 60067-4732Phone: (847) 776-2426 Fax: (847) 776-2090 NOTES: While owning over twenty years of law experience both, Alice and Lee Malleris have accumulated a vast amount of skill, judgment and insight. These Illinois mesothelioma lawyers offer a wide range of litigation and transactional services.They conveniently offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case concerns.

This mesothelioma law firm was founded in 1996. They pride themselves on rejecting the "big firm" mentality. For instance, when you place a phone call to their office, you can feel confident that you will talk to someone who understands your case and can answer your various questions. This mesothelioma law firm understands that communication is absolutely essential and critical to success, and they strive to keep you informed until a settlement or verdict is reached in your asbestos and mesothelioma case.

2. Howard, Hardyman & Worden, LLP 124 N. Water Street, Suite 100Rockford, IL 61101-0116Phone: (815) 964-8888 Fax: (815) 964-8779

NOTES: The Illinois mesothelioma lawyers firm of Howard, Hardyman & Worden, LLP is located in Rockford, Illinois.

Their attorneys represent clients in every level of state and federal courts.

These Illinois mesothelioma lawyers possess high academic credentials, maintain strong community ties, are devoted to the pursuit of excellence, and strive to demonstrate the strictest personal and professional ethics as well as the utmost concern for their clients.

They utilize state-of-the-art technology and cost-effective methods to provide services in a timely, client-oriented manner and ethical, friendly, and professional environment. Their approach focuses on each client's background, needs, and goals, and they are committed to responding promptly to phone calls and to reporting on cases regularly.

Their dedication to quality, understanding of the law and respect are the foundation for their long-standing relationships with clients and the Illinois area community.

For asbestos class action, Illinois mesothelioma attorneys should have many years of experience.

*Many of these Illinois mesothelioma attorneys also practice law in the areas of Class Action(plaintiff), Business Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Personal Injury, Defective Drugs, Diseases, Medical Devices, Personal Injury, Sexual Harassment, Products Liability Law, Litigation & Appeals, Discrimination, Defective Products, Automobile Accidents, Construction, Malpractice, Bad Faith Insurance, Employment, Consumer Protection, Labor Law, Toxic Torts, Pollutants & Securities.


When trying to find competent Illinois mesothelioma lawyers it is important to fully research all potential hires. You need to be sure that your Illinois area asbestos lawyer is highly skilled at obtaining settlements in these types of serious cases. In many cases, liable companies and business would rather agree to a large cash settlement than fight in a courtroom against a well-versed Illinois asbestos lawyer.

As a result, asbestos Class Action attorneys in Illinois see to it that a significant number of lawsuits have been filed on behalf of their clients, and some settlements have reached seven figures. If your Illinois area manufacturer or workplace has subjected you to asbestos exposure, be aware that you're an asbestos victim, it is absolutely vital that you receive the best legal advice and assistance available from your asbestos attorneys.

Be sure not to settle for a lawyer that has anything less than decades of experience in pursuing compensation and justice for their clients.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Litigation Consultant

A litigation consultant can be truly helpful in some cases. Litigation can be a stressful process both financially as well as physically. There are many uncertainties as well as difficulties that an individual can encounter. Fortunately, a litigation consultant can assist you in determining what the best course of action is going forward for the case. These consultants do charge a consulting fee but the small price that you pay may be well worth the advice that they give you!

These professionals are often lawyers who are looking to make more money on the side or be able to relax. These consultants will dig through boxes of documents as well as detailed briefs. They will look for something that will help the attorney to win a case. This may involve formulating trial strategy as well as consulting on the exact course that a lawyer should take once they enter the court room. However, the depth into which a litigation consultant goes is primarily based upon what they are asked to do.

Most litigation case consultants are under $100 per contract hour. However, they may also charge a set fee for handling each case. This fee may be assigned to the law firm representing their client, who may pass that cost onto their client. These consultants can often mean the difference between winning and losing a case and even the best lawyers sometimes contract a consultant. These individuals are experts in their fields and do whatever they can to help their clients. Just as with any other attorney, these consultants are required to hold up their ethical code of attorney client privilege.

Clients often end up paying less thanks to these professionals. These consultants are able to pour over the documents and evidence that a lawyer has in their possession. A lawyer might take ten hours doing this by themselves but an expert team of two or three consultants might take three hours. The cost is reduced several times over thanks to the fact that the lawyer is charging the lower rate of the consultants as well as the fact that the consultants did not take nearly as long!

A litigation consulting service can also help lawyers to locate expert witnesses for their testimony. For example, a case involving animals may need an expert in the animal to testify to scientific knowledge.

The consulting service would contact a number of experts on the specific animal to find one that would be willing to testify on the client?s behalf as well as set up their arrangements. This service does require that a fee be paid but can be worth it if the experts testimony wins the case.

Litigation consultants handle a ton of grunt work at times. They have the ability to sort through piles of paperwork as well as talk with experts who can make/break cases. It is important to remember that these consultants can only do so much. However, they make the job of the average lawyer much easier as well as save the client thousands of dollars.

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