Trying to find a lawyer? We will assist you in in finding mesothelioma attorneys in Dallas TX. On this website page we assist you in finding these types of professionals that will help you pursue your case in Dallas.
There are many capable attorneys available, these professional law men and women are specifically trained to help you receive justice involving your asbestos-exposure case.
Although their are quite a few Mesothelioma attorneys Dallas that are available to the public, our site wishes to give you a good starting point with your research.
On this site you will be provided with the necessary contact info made available to the public by each Dallas area mesothelioma lawyer presented here. We do have one request of you the reader though, please don't interpret this source of information and assistance as an endorsement of some sort by, it is not our intent to endorse any law firm or practice in particular over another. The purpose of this website is to provide a useful and helpful free information source to further enhance your investigative process. It's critically important that you continue to research the premiere attorneys and asbestos-exposure legal counsel for yourself and your families particular legal needs.
1. Pendery Law Firm 3030 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway, Suite 1630Dallas, TX 75234-7781Phone: 972-499-4428 Fax: 972-243-8999NOTES: With more than thirty years of experience this law firm represents clients throughout all of North Texas in court proceedings and in is skilled in obtaining relief from default judgments. They have more than 30 years of experience achieving results in complex and challenging cases, simple cases, and unique law-making cases.
2. Chamblee & Ryan, P.C. 2777 N Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1157Dallas, TX 75207-2277Phone: 214-905-2003 Fax: 304-422-1213
NOTES: Since its inception in 1998, These mesothelioma attorneys in Dallas have considered their specialty to be trial work. Some firms claim to specialize in trial work or litigation but rarely take a case to verdict. At Chamblee & Ryan, they have always believed that the only way to provide the very best legal representation is by always being ready, willing, and prepared to try a case to verdict. Since the year 2000, they have tried and prevailed in over 60 lawsuits, many of which involved amounts in compensation well in excess of $1,000,000.
As a result of their great experience in the courtroom, these mesothelioma attorneys in Dallas also developed the ability to represent clients in matters that have not yet reached the litigation stage. They prides themselves on being able to advise individuals and businesses regarding health law matters, family law matters, wills and probate matters, contract law mattes and employment law matters.
3. Law Offices of Robert S. Gregg 2618 Oak Lawn AvenueDallas, TX 75219-4020Phone: (214) 646-1489 Fax: (214) 559-3496 NOTES: At the Law Offices of Robert S. Gregg, they do a great deal of trial work. While many lawyers will simply plead their cases to avoid court, These mesothelioma attorneys in Dallas are highly skilled trial lawyers. They will listen to your side, then provide you with a clear explanation of your rights and what to expect in court.
In addition to Mr. Gregg, this mesothelioman law firm has another full-time attorney and ten full-time paralegals on staff. When you call their office you will get a live person, and their entire team is extremely knowledgeable in serving your individual needs. They will take your information, and answer your questions. They take pride in their commitment to provide responsive service to their clients, returning all email inquiries within 24 hours.
*Many of these law mesothelioma attorneys Dallas offices also practice law in the areas of Class Action(plaintiff), Business Law, Workers' Compensation Law, Personal Injury, Defective Drugs, Diseases, Medical Devices, Personal Injury, Sexual Harassment, Products Liability Law, Litigation & Appeals, Discrimination, Defective Products, Automobile Accidents, Construction, Malpractice, Bad Faith Insurance, Employment, Consumer Protection, Labor Law, Toxic Torts, Pollutants & Securities.
When trying to find capable mesothelioma attorneys in Dallas it is imperative to fully investigate all potential hires. You need to be sure that Dallas mesothelioma attorneys are highly skilled at obtaining settlements in these types of serious cases. In many cases, liable businesses and manufacturers try to stay away from facing a seasoned attorney n a court of law.
As a result, a significant number of lawsuits have been filed on behalf of clients, and some settlements have reached seven figures. If your Dallas area manufacturer or employer has subjected you to asbestos exposure, be aware that you're an asbestos victim, it is very important that you obtain the better legal counsel and assistance available.
Be sure not to settle for a lawyer that has anything less than decades of experience in pursuing compensation and justice for their clients.
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