Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mesothelioma Law Firm

A Mesothelioma law firm is perfectly positioned to file and win legal claims against employers and manufacturers who have put employees at risk to asbestos. An experienced legal team will have a vast knowledge of the laws surrounding Mesothelioma and judgments. These experts can competently steer Mesothelioma patients through the entire process.

Did They Know What They Were Doing?

Studies were completed as early as the 1920?s concerning asbestos health concerns. These early studies showed a direct link between workers dying at a higher than normal rate due to asbestos exposure. Big businesses and major corporations were able to keep the results of these studies from the public eye for over 50 years. Then, in 1977 the ?Asbestos Pentagon Papers? were released that brought this duplicity to light.

At the same time the Asbestos Pentagon Papers enlightened the world to the total disregard many large corporations and businesses have for their employees? health new concern for the illness caused by expose rose. Innovative research was funded and the form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, Mesothelioma, became a buzz word in legal circles.

Seeking Accountability

When seeking accountability in a mesothelioma claim the plaintiff, or the person suffering from the disease, must prove that his illness is a direct result of asbestos exposure at work. This exposure may have occurred 40 years ago as the disease can lay latent until 20 to 40 years after exposure.

This latency period makes many asbestos poisoning cases more difficult to prove. Within those 40 years a person may have moved, a business may have closed its doors, witnesses can be difficult to find, and even the memories of the mesothelioma patient will have faded.

The Right Law Firm

A Mesothelioma attorney is the best offense against irresponsible employers. Unlike a general law firm, a Mesothelioma law firm specializes in handling these cases. Since the Asbestos Pentagon Papers were unveiled in 1977 over 600,000 court actions have been filed. A lawyer who is up to date on these rulings and other points of case law pertaining to Mesothelioma is better situated to settle the case out of court or try the case in front of a judge.Mesothelioma Law Firm

What does the ?right law firm? look like? There is no standard for Mesothelioma law firms to meet other than those imposed on all lawyers and law firms. However, there are firms that focus only on Mesothelioma cases. In some general firms a lawyer or team of lawyers has been appointed to handle these cases.

Patients who have been diagnosed with this fatal disease are sometimes ready to settle for immediate representation from the first person they meet. Friends and family members should encourage the patient to think of the outcome of the case and to take care when hiring a lawyer. Do not shy away from asking questions such as how many cases the lawyer or Mesothelioma law firm has represented and how many of these cases were found in favor of the plaintiff.

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