- Mesothelioma Cancer Will Test A Family -
"Our family is a circle of strength and love. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger"
- Unknown Author
In dealing with the initial diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer, one of the first major obstacles in the victim's life is trying to figure out how to explain the horrible news to family and friends. Many times the victim of the disease is selflessly more worried about their family than themselves. Breaking the news about mesothelioma is very difficult to do and each family handles it differently and in their own way, just like each individual who is diagnosed tends to do.
Being that you are explaining these things to family and friends who love you very much. You must expect them to run a wide gambit of emotions as well, in many cases this will include sadness, anger, worry, concern and fear.
If you feel the need to put on a strong face for your family this is a personal decision only you can make, no one knows your family as well as you do and you may deem it necessary to do so.

Your best option is to communicate openly and honestly with your family and friends, dealing with them in this frank manner will help them as well as yourself to cope with your diagnosis better. It is wise to discuss every aspect of your upcoming treatment with the adult members of the family. This will help prepare them for the side effects that are expected, the goals of your treatment, and the various treatment options that may be available to you.
Allow your family the freedom to contact your physician if they have questions that you cannot answer specifically or that may need more in-depth answers, this will also allow them to gain familiarity with your doctor and open up lines of communication for the future, which will be helpful. It would be wise to even encourage them to do so.
If you are the family or friend of a loved one who is diagnosed with this mesothelioma cancer, please understand that they will need a lot of help from you. The after effects of radiation and chemotherapy can be very exhausting, your loved one will not be able to keep up with the everyday chores and responsibilities that they were once able to, this is the time that you prove your love to them.Now is the time to organize your team of willing and capable family and friends, who can take on different job assignments.
Who will help cooking for the family? Who can help the children with homework? Who can help cleaning around the house? These are some of the questions that need to be considered.
If you are not the spouse of the mesothelioma cancer victim, it would be wise to realize that the spouse will be under much stress and will be in need of much practical assistance as well as encouragement. Strive to do your personal best in this regard.
As mentioned earlier, you're sick friend or family member will have times when they are very weak and very tired.
Sometimes it can be difficult to strike a good balance with this because we always want to know how our loved ones are doing. But in a situation like this with mesothelioma cancer, where so many family and friends are all concerned about one person, it can cause and overload of calls and visits if all persons are trying to contact the ill loved one in the same time period.
One great idea that you and the rest of the family can implement is creating a telephone tree.
This will allow the spouse or caretaker of the ill one to keep everyone informed and involved with just a couple of phone calls. These updates can include suggestions as to what is the best time to visit and/or call, or even make it known that such actions are not advised at a certain time.
Telephone trees work well because they create a chain of responsibility to keep the next person informed with a telephone call, this will prevent one individual from being burdened with the responsibility of calling everyone and explaining the same things over and over again. And in this way, everyone stays in the loop with current information about their loved one.
There are so many responsibilities to take care of when you have an ill family member and mesothelioma cancer will really test the strength of a family, hopefully some of these suggestions prove useful for you and yours.
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